Chicken Sex

I interviewed my daughter’s future in-laws last night. We went out for dinner. It was a fun night and I found them to be very nice. Dad’s a pastor with a doctorate who teaches and counsels couples about marriage. Good. To. Know. Mom works for a volunteer organization. (I seem to have misplaced my halo…)

Seriously tho…they seem kind, friendly, and equally enthusiastic about our children’s new relationship. This is new territory for us. We’ve never met the “other parents” before. My daughter was very nervous. I think she thought we might embarrass her or something. (Muah?) We met at our home before heading to the restaurant. We shared some pleasant chit-chat before dinner. You know – “I collect the same pottery!” – “How much property do you have here?” – “How long is your commute?”. It wasn’t long before the fact that we have chickens came to their attention. A brief discussion followed. And then, for some odd reason, I felt the need to tell these nice normal people about the first time I watched the rooster get his “groove on” with one of “the ladies”. You know…normal conversation.

A few minutes later we were in our separate cars en route to our favorite German restaurant. From the backseat my daughter says, “Seriously mom?! Chicken Sex?! Of all the things I thought about putting on a list for you to NOT talk about I never thought about chicken sex. What in the world made you come up with that???? It was so awkward!”
I had no response. No explanation. It just came up (or out…of my mouth…like word vomit).
“It just came up” I said.
Nothing but quiet exasperation from the back seat.

As we are seated at the table at the restaurant my husband figured he could fix this issue easily. So, he winked at me and my daughter and looked at the Pastor and his wife and explained that there will be no more discussions about chicken sex tonight. He explained that we had been informed that this topic is off limits since it is very embarrassing. Everyone at the table looked around and burst into hysterics. The rest of the night went off without any issues (or chicken sex discussions) and a good time was had by all.

I like these new people. If my weirdness hasn’t sent them running yet…I think we’ll get along just fine.

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